bfCallback1742577157311({"Request":{"VirtualSiteSlug":"blackfacts","IsToday":true,"SearchType":"today","SearchResultType":"event"},"Results":[{"FadeSummary":false,"SummaryText":"The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. leads thousands of \npeople on a 54 mile march from Selma to Montgomery Alabama\nto call for voting rights for African Americans.","MaxDetailCharacters":0,"ImageUrl":"","ImageHeight":450,"ImageWidth":601,"ImageOrientation":"landscape","HasImage":true,"CssClass":"","Layout":"","Rowspan":1,"Colspan":1,"Likes":0,"Shares":0,"ContentSourceId":"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000","SourceName":"","ContentSourceRootUrl":"","IsSponsored":false,"HasSmallSponsorLogo":false,"EffectiveDate":"1965-03-21T00:00:00","HasEffectiveDate":true,"Year":1965,"Month":3,"Day":21,"LastUpdatedDate":"2023-11-25T05:14:39.027","IsEditable":false,"InsertAd":false,"Id":199,"FactUId":"45de53ac-1e8d-45ac-acd3-c8199d5ec2c6","Slug":"selma-march-begins","FactType":"Event","Title":"Selma March begins","LocalFactUrl":"/fact/selma-march-begins","ResultCount":-1,"SearchType":"Today"},{"FadeSummary":false,"SummaryText":"Larry Holmes is a retired professional boxer who was the WBC Heavyweight Champion from 1978 to 1983. Holmes was also the Ring Heavyweight Champion from 1980 to 1985, and the IBF Heavyweight Champion from 1980 to 1985. Holmes is considered by many to be one of the greatest heavyweights of all time.\nLarry Holmes was born on November 3, 1949 in Cuthbert, Georgia. During his childhood, Holmes\u2019s family was generally in great financial difficulty and they were forced to survive on welfare. He\u00A0even dropped out of school in the seventh grade so that he could work at a car wash for $1 an hour.\nHolmes started amateur boxing at the age of nineteen. After winning his first few fights, he fought Duane Bobick (the world amateur heavyweight champion of the time) for the 1972 Olympic Trials; Holmes eventually lost the bout due to disqualification for excessive holding. The Bobick fight would be Holmes last amateur bout, and Holmes ended his amateur career with a record of 19 wins and 3 losses.\nHolmes fought his first professional match on March 21, 1973, against Rodell Dupree. At first, Holmes worked as a sparring partner for some of the best heavyweight boxers in the world, including Joe Frazier, Muhammad Ali, Earnie Shavers and Jimmy Young. Holmes recalled that these sparring sessions helped him earn the confidence that ultimately helped him become the world heavyweight champion.\nIn March 1978, Larry Holmes shocked the world by defeating the world heavyweight title contender Earnie Shavers by unanimous decision. The victory against Shavers was also surprising for the boxing world as Shavers was considered by many to be the hardest punching boxer of all time. The victory set Holmes up for a title shot against Ken Norton in June 1978.\nHolmes\u2019s match against Norton was extremely competitive. Some sources state that Holmes took the match in the fifteenth round, with all judges voting the earlier fourteen rounds as draws. Holmes, now the new WBC Heavyweight Champion, then fought against Alfredo Evangelista and Ossie Ocasio, both","MaxDetailCharacters":0,"ImageUrl":"","ImageHeight":326,"ImageWidth":580,"ImageOrientation":"landscape","HasImage":true,"CssClass":"","Layout":"","Rowspan":1,"Colspan":1,"Likes":0,"Shares":0,"ContentSourceId":"73e45e4e-5e7c-4595-9ff3-d9df1f177307","SourceName":"Black History Resources","ContentSourceRootUrl":"","IsSponsored":false,"HasSmallSponsorLogo":false,"EffectiveDate":"1973-03-21T00:00:00","HasEffectiveDate":true,"Year":1973,"Month":3,"Day":21,"LastUpdatedDate":"2023-11-25T05:14:39.027","LastUpdatedBy":"ExtractionBotHub","IsEditable":false,"InsertAd":false,"Id":4395,"FactUId":"94bdd043-2a5c-46c9-9dea-5c27bad9f7a7","Slug":"larry-holmes","FactType":"Event","Title":"Larry Holmes","LocalFactUrl":"/fact/larry-holmes","ResultCount":-1,"SearchType":"Today"},{"FadeSummary":false,"SummaryText":"Lois Jean Barron White, the first African American President of the National Parent Teacher Association (PTA) was born in Nashville, Tennessee on March 21, 1938. She was raised by her grandmother, Rosa Barron, as her own mother lived away in Massachusetts.\u00A0 White\u2019s grandmother taught her the value of taking responsibility for her life and focused on doing the \u0026ldquo;right thing.\u0026rdquo; These life lessons resonated with White and helped to shape her professional decisions later in life.\nWhite became interested in music as a child and initially studied piano before switching to the flute.\u00A0 She was naturally very talented and was considered by some a child prodigy.\u00A0 When the Nashville youth orchestra rejected her because of her race, the New York Herald Tribune reported the story and arranged for her to play with the New York City youth orchestra. \nWhite earned a B.A. in Music at Fisk University, Nashville, Tennessee in 1960 and received further training at Indiana University. She then taught music at Mills College in Birmingham, Alabama from 1960 to 1962 and while there met her future husband, George White.\u00A0 In 1963 she became a member of the Community Orchestra of Atlanta.\u00A0 Four years later, in 1967, White and her family moved to Knoxville where she joined the Oak Ridge Symphony Orchestra, serving primarily as a principal flutist.\u00A0 She retired in 1991 after 24 years with the Orchestra.\nWhite initially became involved with the Parent Teacher Association in Knoxville for the benefit of her son.\u00A0 Recognizing the importance of both volunteer work and the central role of parents in their childrens educational development, she joined the Knoxville PTA and eventually was voted a representative to the PTA Council, which served as a link between the local and state chapters. She was soon thereafter asked to serve as cultural arts chairperson for the Tennessee PTA after her Councils exhibit attracted considerable attention at the Tennessee State PTA Convention in Tennessee in 1981.\u00A0\u00A0 She was later asked to collaborate with other","MaxDetailCharacters":0,"ImageUrl":"","ImageHeight":350,"ImageWidth":257,"ImageOrientation":"portrait","HasImage":true,"CssClass":"","Layout":"","Rowspan":1,"Colspan":1,"Likes":0,"Shares":0,"ContentSourceId":"de2ecbf0-5aa4-45ce-bbf9-9a6ac45f6ac8","SourceName":"Black Past","ContentSourceRootUrl":"","SponsorId":"aaa3b791-f8ce-43df-8c2b-9a3c4e1af285","IsSponsored":true,"SponsorName":"Pride Academy","SmallSponsorLogoUrl":"24x24/prideacs-logo.png","SponsorUrl":"","HasSmallSponsorLogo":true,"EffectiveDate":"1938-03-21T00:00:00","HasEffectiveDate":true,"Year":1938,"Month":3,"Day":21,"LastUpdatedDate":"2023-11-25T05:14:39.027","LastUpdatedBy":"ExtractionBotHub","IsEditable":false,"InsertAd":false,"Id":4972,"FactUId":"3807afe6-cded-4049-962f-1f54278ef847","Slug":"white-lois-jean-1938","FactType":"Event","Title":"White, Lois Jean(1938- )","LocalFactUrl":"/fact/white-lois-jean-1938","ResultCount":-1,"SearchType":"Today"},{"FadeSummary":false,"SummaryText":"Cynthia Shepard Perry, a Republican and 25 year career diplomat, has served three Republican presidents. President Ronald Reagan appointed her as Chief of Education and Human Resources of the U.S. Agency for International Development where she served from 1982 to 1986, and named her Ambassador to Sierra Leone from 1986 to 1989.\u00A0 \nPresident H.W. Bush appointed her ambassador to Burundi where she served from 1989 to 1993.\u00A0 President George W. Bush appointed her as U.S. Executive Director of the African Development Bank in Abidjan, Cote d\u2019Ivoire, and Tunis, Tunisia in 2001.\u00A0 As director, she promoted microlending projects for small start-up loans, especially for women. In addition, she analyzed African loan requests for schools, bridges, and projects to reduce poverty. \nHer foreign service also included Director of Teacher/Peace Corps for Crossroads-Africa (1971-73); a member of diplomatic delegations to Sierra Leone, Ghana, Nigeria, and Liberia (1974); UN Economic Commission in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (1976); and Consultant to U.S. Information Services in Kenya, Nigeria, and Zambia (1973-1976). \nBorn on Nov. 11, 1928, in Lost Creek near Terre Haute, Indiana, she was one of nine children.\u00A0 Her parents were farmers who also taught her piano and painting.\u00A0 In 1946, she graduated from segregated Otter Creek High School where she loved writing and was often the winner of writing contests.\u00A0 Her interests in geography and global topics were fueled by her father\u2019s service in France in World War I and her brothers\u2019 assignments in World War II.\u00A0 \nIn her 1998 memoir, All Things Being Equal: One Woman\u2019s Journey, she states that \u0026ldquo;at age 16 she planned to be an ambassador.\u0026rdquo; With the help of family and the high school principal, she developed a 25-year plan. Her journey began with political science and foreign language degrees from Indiana State in 1968 and a Doctorate of Education from the University of Massachusetts in 1976.\u00A0 During her doctoral program, she recruited volunteers for work in Africa.\u00A0 She worked in several","MaxDetailCharacters":0,"ImageUrl":"","ImageHeight":301,"ImageWidth":290,"ImageOrientation":"portrait","HasImage":true,"CssClass":"","Layout":"","Rowspan":1,"Colspan":1,"Likes":0,"Shares":0,"ContentSourceId":"de2ecbf0-5aa4-45ce-bbf9-9a6ac45f6ac8","SourceName":"Black Past","ContentSourceRootUrl":"","SponsorId":"5f236b35-37aa-4a3e-982c-cce80e380610","IsSponsored":true,"SponsorName":"Illinois Math and Science Academy","SmallSponsorLogoUrl":"24x24/imsa-logo.png","SponsorUrl":"","HasSmallSponsorLogo":true,"EffectiveDate":"1999-03-21T00:00:00","HasEffectiveDate":true,"Year":1999,"Month":3,"Day":21,"LastUpdatedDate":"2023-11-25T05:14:39.027","LastUpdatedBy":"ExtractionBotHub","IsEditable":false,"InsertAd":false,"Id":5546,"FactUId":"99f54a09-cb57-4851-96db-6013f11c68d8","Slug":"perry-cynthia-shepard-1928","FactType":"Event","Title":"Perry, Cynthia Shepard (1928- )","LocalFactUrl":"/fact/perry-cynthia-shepard-1928","ResultCount":-1,"SearchType":"Today"},{"FadeSummary":false,"SummaryText":"On March 21, 1861, after seven states had seceded from the United States, two weeks after the inauguration of U.S. President Abraham Lincoln, but three weeks before the firing on Fort Sumter, Confederate Vice President Alexander H. Stephens delivered what would be called the Cornerstone Speech in Savannah, Georgia.\u00A0 He presented a rationale for secession and argued that slavery was the \u0026ldquo;immediate cause\u0026rdquo; of secession.\u00A0 He also took issue with Thomas Jefferson and other founding fathers who wrestled with the contradictions between universal equality and slavery, declaring their ambivalence misplaced and unwarranted.\u00A0 To Stephens servitude and subordination to the white race was the \u0026ldquo;natural and normal condition\u0026rdquo; of blacks in the South.\u00A0\u00A0 The entire speech appears below.\nWhen perfect quiet is restored, I shall proceed. I cannot speak so long as there is any noise or confusion. I shall take my time I feel quite prepared to spend the night with you if necessary. I very much regret that everyone who desires cannot hear what I have to say. Not that I have any display to make, or anything very entertaining to present, but such views as I have to give, I wish all, not only in this city, but in this State, and throughout our Confederate Republic, could hear, who have a desire to hear them. \nI was remarking that we are passing through one of the greatest revolutions in the annals of the world. Seven States have within the last three months thrown off an old government and formed a new. This revolution has been signally marked, up to this time, by the fact of its having been accomplished without the loss of a single drop of blood. \nThis new constitution. or form of government, constitutes the subject to which your attention will be partly invited. In reference to it, I make this first general remark: it amply secures all our ancient rights, franchises, and liberties. All the great principles of Magna Charta are retained in it. No citizen is deprived of life, liberty, or property, but by the judgment of his peers under the","MaxDetailCharacters":0,"ImageUrl":"","ImageHeight":301,"ImageWidth":220,"ImageOrientation":"portrait","HasImage":true,"CssClass":"","Layout":"","Rowspan":1,"Colspan":1,"Likes":0,"Shares":0,"ContentSourceId":"de2ecbf0-5aa4-45ce-bbf9-9a6ac45f6ac8","SourceName":"Black Past","ContentSourceRootUrl":"","SponsorId":"c1e5e647-184a-49fc-af93-4b85a727fac9","IsSponsored":true,"SponsorName":"National Association of Asian American Professionals (NAAP) Boston Chapter","SmallSponsorLogoUrl":"24x24/naaap-logo.png","SponsorUrl":"","HasSmallSponsorLogo":true,"EffectiveDate":"1861-03-21T00:00:00","HasEffectiveDate":true,"Year":1861,"Month":3,"Day":21,"LastUpdatedDate":"2023-11-25T05:14:39.027","LastUpdatedBy":"ExtractionBotHub","IsEditable":false,"InsertAd":false,"Id":7387,"FactUId":"67d17fee-3fe7-4d1c-8bcb-d272f8dc84aa","Slug":"1861-alexander-h-stephens-cornerstone-speech","FactType":"Event","Title":"(1861) Alexander H. Stephens, \u201CCornerstone Speech\u201D","LocalFactUrl":"/fact/1861-alexander-h-stephens-cornerstone-speech","ResultCount":-1,"SearchType":"Today"},{"FadeSummary":false,"SummaryText":"Chinua Achebe , in full Albert Chinualumogu Achebe (born November 16, 1930, Ogidi, Nigeria\u2014died March 21, 2013, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.), Nigerian novelist acclaimed for his unsentimental depictions of the social and psychological disorientation accompanying the imposition of Western customs and values upon traditional African society. His particular concern was with emergent Africa at its moments of crisis; his novels range in subject matter from the first contact of an African village with the white man to the educated African\u2019s attempt to create a firm moral order out of the changing values in a large city.\nAchebe grew up in the Igbo (Ibo) town of Ogidi, Nigeria. After studying English and literature at University College (now the University of Ibadan), Achebe taught for a short time before joining the staff of the Nigerian Broadcasting Corporation in Lagos, where he served as director of external broadcasting in 1961\u201366. In 1967 he cofounded a publishing company at Enugu with the poet Christopher Okigbo, who died shortly thereafter in the Nigerian civil war for Biafran independence, which Achebe openly supported. In 1969 Achebe toured the United States with fellow writers Gabriel Okara and Cyprian Ekwensi, lecturing at universities. Upon his return to Nigeria he was appointed research fellow at the University of Nigeria and became professor of English, a position he held from 1976 until 1981 (professor emeritus from 1985). He was director (from 1970) of two Nigerian publishers, Heinemann Educational Books Ltd. and Nwankwo-Ifejika Ltd. After an automobile accident in Nigeria in 1990 that left him partially paralyzed, he moved to the United States, where he taught at Bard College in Annandale-on-Hudson, New York. In 2009 Achebe left Bard to join the faculty of Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island.\n Things Fall Apart (1958), Achebe\u2019s first novel, concerns traditional Igbo life at the time of the advent of missionaries and colonial government in his homeland. His principal character cannot","MaxDetailCharacters":0,"ImageUrl":"","ImageHeight":373,"ImageWidth":550,"ImageOrientation":"landscape","HasImage":true,"CssClass":"","Layout":"","Rowspan":1,"Colspan":1,"Likes":0,"Shares":0,"ContentSourceId":"80689a34-9b7c-4d3a-91f8-56cabb44f365","SourceName":"Brittanica","ContentSourceRootUrl":"","IsSponsored":false,"HasSmallSponsorLogo":false,"EffectiveDate":"2013-03-21T00:00:00","HasEffectiveDate":true,"Year":2013,"Month":3,"Day":21,"LastUpdatedDate":"2023-11-25T05:14:39.027","LastUpdatedBy":"ExtractionBotHub","IsEditable":false,"InsertAd":false,"Id":9703,"FactUId":"8b20d5b2-ebbe-4bb8-ba27-d09c9e2b1b70","Slug":"chinua-achebe","FactType":"Event","Title":"Chinua Achebe","LocalFactUrl":"/fact/chinua-achebe","ResultCount":-1,"SearchType":"Today"},{"FadeSummary":false,"SummaryText":"Benjamin Sterling Turner, a member of the United States House of Representatives from Alabama during the Reconstruction period, was born on March 17, 1825 in Weldon, North Carolina. He was raised as a slave and as a child received no formal education. In 1830 Turner moved to Selma, Alabama with his mother and slave owner. While living on the plantation he surreptitiously obtained an education and by age 20 Turner was able to read and write fluently.\u00A0 \nWhile still a slave Turner managed a hotel and stable in Selma.\u00A0 Although his owner received most of the money for Turner\u2019s work, he managed to save some of his earnings and shortly after the Civil War he used the savings he had accumulated to purchase the property.\u00A0 The U.S. Census of 1870 reported Turner as owning $2,500 in real estate and $10,000 in personal property, making him one of the wealthiest freedmen in Alabama.\nTurner also became a teacher in 1865 and helped establish the first school for African American children.\u00A0 Two years later he became involved in politics.\u00A0 After participating in the Republican State Convention in 1867, Turner was named tax collector of Dallas County.\u00A0 The following year he won his first elective office when he became a Selma City Councilman.\u00A0 In 1870 Turner was elected to the United States Congress as the first African American Representative in Alabama history.\u00A0 \nWhile in office Turner proposed bills that contributed funding for Civil War-related damages to several federal buildings in central Alabama and St. Pauls Episcopal Church. Turner was also appointed to the House Committee on Invalid Pensions and was responsible for issuing pensions to Union war veterans.\u00A0 Through his influence African American veterans received a pension of eight dollars a month.\nBenjamin S. Turner fought for impoverished black farmers. In February of 1872 he called for the elimination of the tax on cotton because it was harmful to many of his constituents.\u00A0 He also argued that the tax was unconstitutional because it singled out a specific cash","MaxDetailCharacters":0,"ImageUrl":"","ImageHeight":233,"ImageWidth":157,"ImageOrientation":"portrait","HasImage":true,"CssClass":"","Layout":"","Rowspan":1,"Colspan":1,"Likes":0,"Shares":0,"ContentSourceId":"de2ecbf0-5aa4-45ce-bbf9-9a6ac45f6ac8","SourceName":"Black Past","ContentSourceRootUrl":"","IsSponsored":false,"HasSmallSponsorLogo":false,"EffectiveDate":"1894-03-21T00:00:00","HasEffectiveDate":true,"Year":1894,"Month":3,"Day":21,"LastUpdatedDate":"2023-11-25T05:14:39.027","LastUpdatedBy":"ExtractionBotHub","IsEditable":false,"InsertAd":false,"Id":7791,"FactUId":"1463860e-9969-4975-ba3c-fc320f855f93","Slug":"turner-benjamin-sterling-1825-1894","FactType":"Event","Title":"Turner, Benjamin Sterling (1825-1894)","LocalFactUrl":"/fact/turner-benjamin-sterling-1825-1894","ResultCount":-1,"SearchType":"Today"},{"FadeSummary":false,"SummaryText":"Apartheid is an Afrikaans word that means separation. It is the name given to the particular racial-social ideology developed in South Africa during the twentieth century.\nAt its core, apartheid was all about racial segregation. It led to the political and economic discrimination which separated Black (or Bantu), Coloured (mixed race), Indian, and White South Africans.\nWhat Led to Apartheid?\nRacial segregation in South Africa began after the Boer War and really came into being in the early 1900s.\n When the Union of South Africa was formed in 1910\u00A0under British control, the Europeans in South Africa shaped the political structure of the new nation. Acts of discrimination were implemented from the very beginning.\nIt was not until the elections of 1948 that the word apartheid became common in South African politics. Through all of this, the white minority put various restrictions on the black majority. Eventually, the segregation affected Coloured and Indian citizens as well.\nOver time, apartheid was divided into petty and grand apartheid. Petty apartheid referred to the visible segregation in South Africa while grand apartheid was used to describe the loss of political and land rights of black South Africans.\nBefore its end in 1994 with the election of Nelson Mandela, the years of apartheid were filled with many struggles and brutality. A few events hold great significance and are considered turning points in the development and the fall of apartheid.\nWhat came to be known as pass laws restricted the movement of Africans and required them to carry a reference book. This held identification papers as well as permissions to be in certain regions. By the 1950s, the restriction became so great that every black South African was required to carry one.\nIn 1956, over 20,000 women of all races marched in protest. This was the time of passive protest, but that would soon change.\nThe Sharpeville Massacre on March 21, 1960, would be the turning point in apartheid. This too was a protest against the pass laws and a","MaxDetailCharacters":0,"ImageUrl":"","ImageHeight":1007,"ImageWidth":1500,"ImageOrientation":"landscape","HasImage":true,"CssClass":"","Layout":"","Rowspan":1,"Colspan":1,"Likes":0,"Shares":0,"ContentSourceId":"6982ddb9-33e1-469e-8344-2e6290cc3f69","SourceName":"ThoughtCo","ContentSourceRootUrl":"","IsSponsored":false,"HasSmallSponsorLogo":false,"EffectiveDate":"1960-03-21T00:00:00","HasEffectiveDate":true,"Year":1960,"Month":3,"Day":21,"LastUpdatedDate":"2023-11-25T05:14:39.027","LastUpdatedBy":"ExtractionBotHub","IsEditable":false,"InsertAd":false,"Id":8877,"FactUId":"568b0207-9d5d-4ed6-b971-c9e4c5efba08","Slug":"what-was-apartheid-in-south-africa","FactType":"Event","Title":"What Was Apartheid in South Africa?","LocalFactUrl":"/fact/what-was-apartheid-in-south-africa","ResultCount":-1,"SearchType":"Today"},{"FadeSummary":false,"SummaryText":"Sharpesville Massacre in apartheid South Africa in which white police killed 67\n Blacks and wounded 186.","MaxDetailCharacters":0,"ImageUrl":"","ImageHeight":500,"ImageWidth":956,"ImageOrientation":"landscape","HasImage":true,"CssClass":"","Layout":"","Rowspan":1,"Colspan":1,"Likes":0,"Shares":0,"ContentSourceId":"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000","SourceName":"","ContentSourceRootUrl":"","SponsorId":"5f236b35-37aa-4a3e-982c-cce80e380610","IsSponsored":true,"SponsorName":"Illinois Math and Science Academy","SmallSponsorLogoUrl":"24x24/imsa-logo.png","SponsorUrl":"","HasSmallSponsorLogo":true,"EffectiveDate":"1960-03-21T00:00:00","HasEffectiveDate":true,"Year":1960,"Month":3,"Day":21,"LastUpdatedDate":"2023-11-25T05:14:39.027","IsEditable":false,"InsertAd":false,"Id":62,"FactUId":"7b42ae8a-4141-4f32-af54-ecafe1dd2733","Slug":"sharpesville-massacre","FactType":"Event","Title":"Sharpesville Massacre","LocalFactUrl":"/fact/sharpesville-massacre","ResultCount":-1,"SearchType":"Today"},{"FadeSummary":false,"SummaryText":"Death of Walter White (61), New York City. Roy Willkins succeeded him as NAACP executive, April 11.","MaxDetailCharacters":0,"ImageUrl":"","ImageHeight":1389,"ImageWidth":1500,"ImageOrientation":"landscape","HasImage":true,"CssClass":"","Layout":"","Rowspan":1,"Colspan":1,"Likes":0,"Shares":0,"ContentSourceId":"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000","SourceName":"","ContentSourceRootUrl":"","SponsorId":"bf2f8323-0870-445a-8aa5-f4d721702bed","IsSponsored":true,"SponsorName":"Massachusetts Black Lawyers Association (MBLA)","SmallSponsorLogoUrl":"24x24/mbla-logo.png","SponsorUrl":"","HasSmallSponsorLogo":true,"EffectiveDate":"1970-03-21T00:00:00","HasEffectiveDate":true,"Year":1970,"Month":3,"Day":21,"LastUpdatedDate":"2023-11-25T05:14:39.027","IsEditable":false,"InsertAd":false,"Id":170,"FactUId":"858813f2-483c-4146-b61b-194b0050945c","Slug":"death-of-walter-white","FactType":"Event","Title":"Death of Walter White","LocalFactUrl":"/fact/death-of-walter-white","ResultCount":-1,"SearchType":"Today"},{"FadeSummary":false,"SummaryText":"Ron Oden is the first African American and the first openly gay man to hold the office of Mayor of Palm Springs, California. Born on March 21, 1950 in Detroit, Michigan, Oden attended Oakwood College (now University) in Huntsville, Alabama where he received a Bachelor of Arts in History, Sociology and Theology. He continued his studies in Family Life and Counselling at Andrews University in Berrien Springs, Michigan, earning a Master of Arts Degree in Theology. Oden continued his education at the State University of New York in Albany, completing a Master of Arts Degree in Ethnic Studies. He has also pursued post-graduate courses in Marriage, Family and Child Counselling Studies at Loma Linda University in Loma Linda, California. \u00A0\nOden began his career in community and political involvement in 1990 when he moved to Palm Springs and began teaching as an adjunct Sociology instructor at College of the Desert. Oden also worked at Desert Career College, Chapman University and has served as pastoral care consultant at the Betty Ford Center. \u00A0\nConcern about educational and social issues led Oden to enter local politics. In 1995 he was elected to Palm Springs City Council only five years after he arrived in the city. While on the council he advocated for social causes. \u00A0\nIn 2003, Oden was elected Mayor of Palm Springs, a city of approximately 40,000 residents known primarily as a resort and retirement destination in the Southern California desert. His election was significant because of both his race and his sexual orientation. Oden was the first openly gay African American elected to lead a California city. Although blacks comprise only 3% of the city\u2019s population, the gay and lesbian population, an estimated 30 % of the total, is proportionately one of the largest of any California city. \u00A0\nAs a City Councilmember and as Mayor Oden worked tirelessly to promote respect for diversity through organizations such as the Palm Springs Human Rights Task Force, the Palm Springs Human Rights Commission, and the Palm","MaxDetailCharacters":0,"ImageUrl":"","ImageHeight":450,"ImageWidth":292,"ImageOrientation":"portrait","HasImage":true,"CssClass":"","Layout":"","Rowspan":1,"Colspan":1,"Likes":0,"Shares":0,"ContentSourceId":"de2ecbf0-5aa4-45ce-bbf9-9a6ac45f6ac8","SourceName":"Black Past","ContentSourceRootUrl":"","IsSponsored":false,"HasSmallSponsorLogo":false,"EffectiveDate":"1950-03-21T00:00:00","HasEffectiveDate":true,"Year":1950,"Month":3,"Day":21,"LastUpdatedDate":"2023-11-25T05:14:39.027","LastUpdatedBy":"ExtractionBotHub","IsEditable":false,"InsertAd":false,"Id":5794,"FactUId":"b3a25ce7-b2a6-455c-a542-30e007f2293d","Slug":"oden-ron-1950","FactType":"Event","Title":"Oden, Ron (1950- )","LocalFactUrl":"/fact/oden-ron-1950","ResultCount":-1,"SearchType":"Today"},{"FadeSummary":false,"SummaryText":"The first lunch counters were integrated in San Antonio, Texas.","MaxDetailCharacters":0,"ImageHeight":0,"ImageWidth":0,"ImageOrientation":"none","HasImage":false,"CssClass":"","Layout":"","Rowspan":1,"Colspan":1,"Likes":0,"Shares":0,"ContentSourceId":"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000","SourceName":"","ContentSourceRootUrl":"","SponsorId":"c774164e-1b1a-4b35-8157-9ce64ec2e2c6","IsSponsored":true,"SponsorName":"Prospanica Boston Professional Chapter","SmallSponsorLogoUrl":"24x24/prospanica-logo.png","SponsorUrl":"","HasSmallSponsorLogo":true,"EffectiveDate":"1960-03-21T00:00:00","HasEffectiveDate":true,"Year":1960,"Month":3,"Day":21,"LastUpdatedDate":"2023-11-25T05:14:39.027","IsEditable":false,"InsertAd":false,"Id":1061,"FactUId":"3ec74956-26ce-4178-b982-cb2289021cb0","Slug":"integration-in-san-antonio-texas","FactType":"Event","Title":"Integration in San Antonio, Texas","LocalFactUrl":"/fact/integration-in-san-antonio-texas","ResultCount":-1,"SearchType":"Today"},{"FadeSummary":false,"SummaryText":"In 1947 James Baskett(1904-1948)was given a Special Academy Award for his part in Disneys Song Of The South. He was the second American of African decent to recieve an Academy Award. Baskett was also the first American of African decent hired by Disney. Unfortunately Baskett was unable to attend the premiere in Atlanta because he was unable to get accommodations.","MaxDetailCharacters":0,"ImageHeight":0,"ImageWidth":0,"ImageOrientation":"none","HasImage":false,"CssClass":"","Layout":"","Rowspan":1,"Colspan":1,"Likes":0,"Shares":0,"ContentSourceId":"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000","SourceName":"","ContentSourceRootUrl":"","IsSponsored":false,"HasSmallSponsorLogo":false,"EffectiveDate":"1947-03-21T00:00:00","HasEffectiveDate":true,"Year":1947,"Month":3,"Day":21,"LastUpdatedDate":"2023-11-25T05:14:39.027","IsEditable":false,"InsertAd":false,"Id":3526,"FactUId":"6b88e380-8d2d-4edd-983b-c4fe2e912909","Slug":"james-baskett-wins-academy-award","FactType":"Event","Title":"James Baskett Wins Academy Award","LocalFactUrl":"/fact/james-baskett-wins-academy-award","ResultCount":-1,"SearchType":"Today"},{"FadeSummary":false,"SummaryText":"The History of NamibiaThe country has ever since that historical day; 21 March 1990 enjoyed peace, stability and progress in many ways. Namibia is also known as the smile of Africa because, of its geographical position and the friendliness and warmth of its citizens. Currently the country has a population of 1.7 million and covers an area of approximately 824,269 square km. The country is divided into 13 regions. Namibia is a very diverse country with breathtaking landscapes from the Orange River, bordering South Africa up to the Okavango, the Kunene and the Zambezi in the North and North East respectively, all flowing rivers throughout the year and being the natural borders of Angola, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Botswana. In the heart of this beautiful country lies the capital of Namibia, Windhoek. As the country itself, Windhoek was at one stage first occupied by Germany and then by South Africa. Namibia was a German protectorate from 1884 till 1915, when South Africa defeated the German colonial troops in the first year of the First World War. Throughout the years of being a protectorate, many Namibians lost their lives trying to fight the colonisers, the Germans as well as the South Africans. Out of that struggle many historically famous people were born and historical battles were fought. Hendrik Witbooi fought the Germans as early as 1880s, 90s and then again in 1904-07 uprising. On the other hand, Samuel Maharero declared war on the Germans in 1904. Other famous resistors were, Jakob Marengo, Simon Kooper and Mandume who became king of the Kwanyama in 1911 as a teenager and died at an early age fighting against the Portuguese and then against the South Africans. Today Hendrik Witbooi because of his many achievements and historical significance was honoured by getting a street called after him and being printed on Namibias currency.","MaxDetailCharacters":0,"ImageHeight":0,"ImageWidth":0,"ImageOrientation":"none","HasImage":false,"CssClass":"","Layout":"","Rowspan":1,"Colspan":1,"Likes":0,"Shares":0,"ContentSourceId":"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000","SourceName":"","ContentSourceRootUrl":"","IsSponsored":false,"HasSmallSponsorLogo":false,"EffectiveDate":"1990-03-21T00:00:00","HasEffectiveDate":true,"Year":1990,"Month":3,"Day":21,"LastUpdatedDate":"2023-11-25T05:14:39.027","IsEditable":false,"InsertAd":false,"Id":3671,"FactUId":"b9d0942b-56e8-478c-a47a-771e8dc6066a","Slug":"namibia-gains-independence","FactType":"Event","Title":"Namibia gains independence","LocalFactUrl":"/fact/namibia-gains-independence","ResultCount":-1,"SearchType":"Today"}],"Uri":"","SiteRoot":"","ApiUsage":0,"Cached":true,"StartTime":"2025-03-21T07:29:05.7320354Z","Elapsed":"00:00:00.4671081"})